Friday, July 23, 2010

Dexter Learns to Swim

Today, Dexter and I went down to the "river", which today (after three days of rain) actually looks like a small river... until you realize it's never more than thigh-deep. Nice little rapids,  just enough to make it look exciting, but not enough to even body surf. In fact, Dexter walked down them to join me in the "deep part"... which lead to him realizing that the water became too deep to walk. A moment later, I had him in my arms, and plopped him in the water for his first-ever swim. SOOOOO sorry I couldn't take pictures of that!

He, um, didn't like the idea, of course. Swam right to the shore, shook himself off, and pouted. But, a few minutes later, he swam back to me, unable to be apart from Daddy. Once he got to me, he just HAD to climb up on me... which led to him climbing the Daddy tree. Two dog paws on my head, two digging into my ribs, and a wet dog belly plastered against my face. Heh.

After that, he was done swimming. I alligatored in to the shallows to tempt him out again, but he just made me his personal flotation device. Stood resolutely on my back, until he noticed the air mattress floating back out...

Anyway, lots of fun was had, and blessed relief from the humid heat today.

Sorry there aren't many pictures, but it's tough to get them while splish-splashing about! Click to embiggen.

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