Friday, August 27, 2010

Dexterpalooza Video Fest!

These have been piling up, and I want to gather them in one spot. Some new ones below.

Dexter helping me with pushups (8/26/10, 6 months)
I got past my tendonitis finally, but I'm still having problems getting beyond 20 pushups. Can anyone help me? Is there something wrong with my form? Maybe I should buy some of those pushup handle-thingeys I see on TV.

Dexter loves chicken feet! (8/23/10, 23.5w)
They're floppy, they're silly, they're crunchy, and they taste great!!! What's not to love?!

Dexter shows off 7 tricks (8/14/10, 22 weeks)
Right after we reunite at the end of Pennsic, Dexter shows off his tricks. "I didn't forget nuthin', Daddy!"

Daddy and Dexter reunite (8/14/10, 22 weeks)
Dexter is amazed to find out I'm still alive, after 2 weeks at Camp Grandma's while I was at Pennsic.

Dexter jumps in the swimming pool @ Grandma's (8/04/10, 20.5w)
Whoops! It didn't look that deep! Video by his Grandma & Jackie.

Dexter at the River - Solo war with ball (07/26/10), 20w

Dexter at the River - Upstream chase (7/26/10, 20 weeks)

Dexter at the River - "You Ball-Stealer!" (7/26/10, 20 weeks)

Dexter swimming at the river (7/26/10, 19w)
His second time swimming. He's still not too sure about it, but he LOVES playing in the water!

Dexter plays drums (7/13/10, 17.5w)
This is his standard way of telling me he needs more water, but sometimes he does it when the bowl is full. He's got a musician's soul.
I never should have taught him to eat souls.

Dexter LOVES his sock toy (5/30/10, 11 weeks)
1 discarded plastic water bottle + 1 dirty sock (for extra scent goodness!) + overhand knot = best and cheapest dog toy ever!

Dexter's obligatory "Tail Chase" video (5/25/10, 10.5 weeks)

Dexter 1st learns to fetch (5/25/10, 10.5 weeks)

Dexter eats breakfast (raw chicken) (5/20/10, 9.5w)"
Little puppy Dexter shows off his good eating habits, turning a chicken thigh & drumstick into a bellyful of *yum*.

Dexter plays with the spikey ball for the 1st time (5/14/10, 9 weeks)
He barks more in the first 30 seconds of this video than he ever has before.

Dexter walking with me (5/13/10, 9 weeks)
Just me & my new pup Dexter, walking on leash together.

My new best-friend-to-be (03/30/10, 2.5 weeks old)
My first meeting with the litter, when I picked out this little guy to be mine. He didn't get named "Dexter" until we were on the way home, 5 weeks later.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Root and Two Radishes

While I was away at Pennsic, a lot of changes happened...

Dexter only gained about 2 lb during his two weeks at Grandma's, instead of the 4-5 I expected. But... he was noticeably bigger. Probably lengthened, which would make him seem taller when he jumped on me.

Dexter and I get reacquainted after Pennsic...

Dexter shows off 7 tricks for Daddy - 6 of them correctly!

He's better at jumping up, too. Now he is pretty confident standing up onto my lap while I sit at the computer, something he really never did before. He has "come into" his adult run; I think his running gait improved slightly while he was away.

And, as the title suggests, something else has changed about him, as well. It will be is (1) time to schedule The Big Snip, soon. (Update: Dexter will get pity-ice cream and kisses on Monday, after surgery...)

(1) I just checked the web. Although Dex' doc said "after 6 months of age", apparently the trend is to get them earlier these days. Anyway, he's about 6.